Since the first generation of flip-phone-equipped teenagers, there have been clashes over bringing devices to school. Teachers protest the distraction potential. Parents claim the right to contact their kids directly at any time. Students can hardly imagine an hour without…
Category: Learning
Not All Slides Happen in Summer: Apps to Make Learning an Everyday Part of Your Life
With the recent beginning of the 2023–24 school year, you’ve probably heard talk of the “summer slide.” When kids return to the academic routine after 2–3 months of carefree living, they rarely are able to pick right up where they…
Lesser-Known Facts about IEPs | Texas Youth2Adult Feature
TexasYouth2Adult seeks to link special needs families in the State of Texas with critical support tools and information to help teens and young adults successfully make the transition from the world of childhood to adulthood. Over 10 percent of Texas students qualify…
Let’s Appreciate AI
Disclosure: This post is entirely human-written, with the help of word-processing software, online search engines, and digital exchanges with fellow humans. Once upon a time, artificial intelligence (AI) was the stuff of apocalyptic science fiction, usually featuring anthropomorphic robots in…
Tech Tools to Support Literacy Accommodations | Parenting Special Needs Magazine
As the summer comes to an end and school preparations start, many of you are, like us, reviewing accommodations with your child’s teachers and paraprofessionals, as well as with your child if appropriate for their age and cognitive level. So,…
Get Familiar With Our App Search Tool
When looking for a useful app for yourself, your child, or even your students, it is tough to find one that you can fully trust. Whether it is a learning-based app or an app helpful for thriving in everyday life,…
What’s a “Summer Bridge”?
As defined by the U.S. Department of Education, a “summer bridge program” is an organized program “designed to ease the transition to college and support postsecondary success by providing students with the academic skills and social resources needed to succeed…
How to “Think College”: Finding IDD-Friendly Higher Education
No question: it takes more than a high school diploma to prepare for the college world. High school is a right and a duty; college is an earned privilege. High school students are supervised by school faculty during class hours…
Crushing the Summer Slide | Parenting Special Needs Magazine
School will be out for summer vacation again soon. Will your family travel and explore new places or stay home to relax and recharge? No matter how your family decides to spend the break from school, if you are like…
Dyslexia-Friendly Teaching for All Students
Most people know dyslexia as a reading disorder that makes it difficult to tell letters and words apart. But there’s more to it than that. Though people with dyslexia typically have average or higher intelligence, they lack certain mental capabilities…