
teen girl using phone outside

Phones in School: The Latest Assistive-Technology Challenge

Since the first generation of flip-phone-equipped teenagers, there have been clashes over bringing devices to school. Teachers protest the distraction potential. Parents claim the right to contact their kids directly at any time. Students can hardly imagine an hour without…
teen girl doing homework in front of laptop while also looking at phone

Not All Slides Happen in Summer: Apps to Make Learning an Everyday Part of Your Life

With the recent beginning of the 2023–24 school year, you’ve probably heard talk of the “summer slide.” When kids return to the academic routine after 2–3 months of carefree living, they rarely are able to pick right up where they…
parents meeting with teacher

Lesser-Known Facts about IEPs | Texas Youth2Adult Feature

TexasYouth2Adult seeks to link special needs families in the State of Texas with critical support tools and information to help teens and young adults successfully make the transition from the world of childhood to adulthood. Over 10 percent of Texas students qualify…
2 young girls in classroom looking at ebook together

Tech Tools to Support Literacy Accommodations | Parenting Special Needs Magazine

As the summer comes to an end and school preparations start, many of you are, like us, reviewing accommodations with your child’s teachers and paraprofessionals, as well as with your child if appropriate for their age and cognitive level.  So,…