
When You’re Born with It: Managing Lifelong Disabilities

The term “birth defect” is falling out of favor, as people rightly resent implications of being “defective.” This writer personally prefers “congenital disabilities”; the World Health Organization speaks of “congenital anomalies”; but for the present, “birth defects” remains the official…

Disability and Extreme-Weather Concerns

See also: Whoever you are and wherever you live, extreme-weather chances run high these days. And when extreme weather strikes, people with disabilities are in a high-risk bracket for serious injury. The best protection is advance preparation. Recommended apps for…

National Digital Inclusion Week 2023

By the time you read this, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance will be wrapping up its annual Digital Inclusion Week, observed during the first work week in October. The 2023 theme was “Building Connected Communities”: expanding digital literacy and accessibility…
Digital Navigator Class

Building Connected Communities | Digital Inclusion for Mental Health

If you’ve followed our blog for long, you’re familiar with “Digital Navigator” topics—and you know that a Digital Navigator promotes digital equity by helping clients get device access, household wireless services, and personalized training. This improves opportunities for: “Digital Navigators…

BridgingApps in the Field: Our New Comcast-Funded Digital Literacy Program

BridgingApps is excited and grateful for Easterseals’ partnership with Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation. Among the many projects funded by Comcast grants is our digital literacy training for transition-age high school students, “transition” referring to the beginning of legal adulthood and independent…

Fun Rabbit Holes: Exploring New Technology Without Losing Your Place on Your To-Do List

Apps and other digital technology are great—until they aren’t. You may have heard worst-nightmare stories: fatal accidents due to someone’s being distracted by a smartphone; suicides triggered by cyberbullying or doomscrolling. On a less dramatic note, just about everyone has…