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CDS (Consumer Directed Services) Video Series
Welcome to our Consumer Directed Services resource page! Texas families who have been approved for one of the waiver programs through Texas Health and Human Services (HHS) have two choices about how to manage a person’s services: Option one is to pick an agency to handle everything from hiring personal care attendants, scheduling, and paying them. Option two is Consumer Directed Services (CDS), otherwise known as the “Employer” option. In other words, the person with the disability becomes an employer of others who will help with activities of daily living in their home and community. This means that the person has more control over their services, but it also means more responsibility to manage their own care.
We created a guide to help families learn more about the ins and outs of how CDS works. It was developed with input from individuals with disabilities, case managers, and caregivers of young adults with disabilities. This resource includes three items: a series of short videos, a detailed written guide that covers frequently asked questions and an app list.
Overview of Requesting and Receiving CDS Services: Understanding Consumer Directed Services
Where Does CDS Fit in the Process? Understanding Consumer Directed Services
Service Deliver- Various Tasks and Who Completes them in the CDS Option
Division of Responsibilities- What Will the FMSA Do & What Will the CDS Employer Do?
Step-By-Step Instructions for a New CDS Employer- Important Things to Keep in Mind
Making a Change- How Do I Change from Agency Option to CDS Option?
Tips for Finding People to Help Deliver Habilitation, Respite, & Transportation in CDS
Receiving and Managing Effective Care: Setting Up Systems that Provide Continuity of Care
Receiving and Managing Effective Care: Personal Preference Profile & Emergency Plans
Receiving and Managing Effective Care: Weekly Tasks for a CDS Employer
*If the guide does not open in your internet browser, please check the “Downloads” folder on your device.
This project was made possible by generous funding from Aetna.