Digital Navigator Class

Building Connected Communities | Digital Inclusion for Mental Health

If you’ve followed our blog for long, you’re familiar with “Digital Navigator” topics—and you know that a Digital Navigator promotes digital equity by helping clients get device access, household wireless services, and personalized training. This improves opportunities for: “Digital Navigators…

Anniversary Celebration: 10 Years Since BridgingApps’ First CTAF Grant

The Consumer Technology Association (CTA) is a leader in “changing people’s lives for the better” via technology, and in advocating for diversity, economic growth, and STEM education. Its affiliate, the CTA Foundation, advances the mission by funding digital-inclusion projects geared…
Recenter Logo

Getting Veterans Connected: Easter Seals Greater Houston and Recenter Houston

Not long ago, the military Veteran was seen through one of two stereotyped lenses: forever tough, gruff, and set apart from “ordinary” civilians; or indistinguishable from other civilians, hardly remembering his service years except as stories to entertain his grandchildren.…

Tips & Tricks for Using the Reminders App on iOS

Now that school is back in session, do you find yourself juggling too many appointments to remember? Keeping track of Zoom meetings for yourself (and possibly your children), virtual therapy and/or medical appointments, grocery pick-ups or deliveries, and perhaps even…