
image of original art displayed at craft fair

The Autistic Entrepreneur: Earning a Living in the Adult World

Among worker qualities valued at all levels and across all industries, one consistent top ranker is interactive or soft skills—such as networking, person-to-person communication, and teamwork. Hiring managers look for outgoing and empathetic candidates; supervisors and coworkers like sharing their…
young man pointing up in front of virtual screen

The Ultimate in Inclusive Attractions: Morgan’s Wonderland, San Antonio

Theme parks aren’t just for the neurotypical and able-bodied. Meet Morgan’s Wonderland, aka “The First Theme Park Where EVERYONE Can Play” and “The One and Only Ultra-Accessible™ Theme Park.” Created by Gordon Hartman and named for his special-needs daughter, Morgan’s…

Tons of Fun: Ross McCann on ESGH Kids’ Activities

Easter Seals Greater Houston (ESGH) offers year-round group activities for kids of all ages. In today’s post, ESGH Camp Coordinator Ross McCann shares his observations (with a nod to our own Daryn Ofczarzak, whose many ESGH duties include Speech Language…
brili routines

BridgingApps Back To School App | Brili Routines – Visual Timer

BridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Reviewed App on the site: Recently updated, Brili Routines – Visual Timer calms the chaos of daily routines with kids. Simply set up a routine for mornings, bedtimes, and any other time of the…

Digital Skills Roundup: The First Things Everyone Should Know

Which statement is correct? Actually, both are correct with regard to certain aspects of screen use. What are “people” actually using their screens for? What educational or career fields are they in? What age groups? And perhaps most important, where…