It is with great pleasure that we announce SNApps4Kids has become a program of Easter Seals Greater Houston. Joining forces with Easter Seals allows SNApps4Kids to expand our reach and broaden our mission of using technology to help children with…
Blog (page 275)
We Want Your Videos
There is no doubt the power and drive of the children in our lives, and we want to see it. Please help us share it with our online community. We want your videos! Here is how: How to upload video…
How to send us your video links
Here is how to find a video’s link on YouTube and send it to us: Instructions: On YouTube, find a video you like or one you have just made public. Below the video is a “Share” button, Click on it.…
How to upload your video to YouTube
Uploading video to YouTube is very simple. Here is what you need to do: This tutorial assumes: You have a YouTube account. If you don’t, click here to sign up, it is free. You have already shot your video, and…
SNApps4Kids Launches App Review System
SNApps4Kids is pleased to announce an exciting new feature on its website–the SNApps4Kids Review System. In addition to the developer’s description of an app, the review system provides supplementary information that focuses on skills, not age or developmental level.
A Labor of Love – Vincent
Climbing slowly and carefully onto the treadmill, 7 year-old Vincent smiles with anticipation. He pushes the button, and his feet begin to move rhythmically.
How-to Backup and Save your Proloquo2go Application
Instructions and How-to backup and save your Proloquo2Go Application and if you need to move between two iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch devices.
Apps for People with Special Needs
Imagine not being able to verbalize the most basic needs of everyday life. Now visualize having a device that overcomes this disabling condition and gives you the power to communicate with those who love and care for you.
NACD iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Apps for (Special) Education
The National Association for Child Development (NACD) has found their caseload to benefit greatly from the use of the iPad and its various applications. This list was donated by one of their clients that works for Apple.
T-21 Presentation
On February 5, 2011 Cristen Reat spoke to a group of parents, educators and therapists attending the second annual Trisomy 21 (T-21) conference in Houston, Texas.