A keyguard is a clear or colored plastic overlay used with the iPad.There are openings in the keyguard for each icon on the screen of acommunication app such as Proloqo2go or My First AAC. Each keyguard thatwe make is custom cut to the customer’s specifications for the settingsthat they use with their communication app. The keyguards are then usedover the screen of the iPad. Lasered Pics offers an option to have suctioncups on the iPad to hold the keyguard on. The keyguard can then be easilyremoved to allow for the use of other apps on the iPad.
Reasons that a keyguard may be used are for users of communication appswho have difficulties with coordination and strength which causes them toactivate icons other than the one that they intend to. The openings in thekeyguard isolate each icon, and make for better directed reach. LaseredPics began offering keyguards in colors too because this was requested by avision specialist. The colored keyguards help those with low vision bemore certain of where the boundaries of each icon are.
For apps like Proloquo2go that require scrolling, we offer an open area onright side of the screen to allow for scrolling. This allows the user tomove through all of the icons in each category. Lasered Pics makeskeyguards to fit in cases such as the Otterbox Defender and AMDi iAdapterCase. Keyguards can be cut in either portrait or landscape orientation ofthe iPad. Lasered Pics offers keyguards for the iPad typing keyboard too.
Here is a list of the current application Lasered Pics offers keyguards for:
- Answers:YesNo HD
- Assistive Chat
- Grace
- iClick iTalk
- iMean
- My First AAC
- My Talk
- Proloquo2go
- Sono Flex
- Speak It
- Talk Board
- Tap Speak Choice
- Tap To Talk
- Touch Chat
The goal at Lasered Pics is to offer quality custom products at pricesthat are affordable. They currently offer keyguards for 25 different apps, and will look into making a keyguard for any app that a customer requests.
$23.95 USD and Up
Lasered Pics can be found on the Internet at www.laseredpics.biz
Keyguards are located under the adaptive technologies supplies tab.
I have a foster child with a rare syndrome called Pitt Hopkins. One of the dads with a child with this Syndrome made a app called Verbal Victor. Is there any chance you could look at this and is there anything you make like the overlay above that could work for this app. my child had no communication and he is 11 yrs old. He flaps the screen when we have tried the Prologue but that is to advanced for his. We need an overlay that works with the simple app of Verbal Victor. thanks Carla J101
Hi Carla-
Thanks for your comment. Lasered Pics are the creators of the overlay that goes on the iPad. If you are interested in an overlay I would directly contact Lasered Pics. Im sure they would be happy to help you!