When looking for a useful app for yourself, your child, or even your students, it is tough to find one that you can fully trust. Whether it is a learning-based app or an app helpful for thriving in everyday life,…
Category: Tips & Tricks (page 2)
Achieving True Inclusiveness in Schools
Students with autism have the legal right to attend public schools and to receive accommodations appropriate to their specific learning needs. However, there’s much more to “fitting in” than being able to function in a “typical” classroom. If students are…
High School Students with Unaddressed Autism
The hardest part of living with autism may be convincing others to live (in harmony) with it. Ask any parent whose child uses an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for autism: you’ll likely hear at least one story about school representatives…
Highlight: How to Translate a Website on Your Browser
In today’s interconnected world, you never know when you might find a digital resource in a language you can’t read. Or need to share a resource with someone who barely knows your language. Fortunately, you don’t have to hunt far…
4 Perspectives on Getting the Most from IEP Annual Reviews
As the 2022–23 school year winds down, many parents’ thoughts are turning to family vacations, or to heading off the dreaded “summer slide” (the problem of kids forgetting what they’ve learned before school resumes). If your child has a disability…
Traveling with Sensory Disorders
As the year turns toward warmer seasons, thoughts turn toward vacation. And after months of COVID-19 travel restrictions, long-distance travel is particularly popular now—notwithstanding the extra work and planning involved. With disabilities in the picture, planning gets even more complicated.…
Traveling with Mobility Impairments, Part I: Preparations and Journey
In autumn 2022, BridgingApps team member Andi Fry visited New York City with her husband and daughter Megan, a University of Houston graduate student. Typical leisure travel adventure, except for one thing: Megan has extensive physical paralysis and limited verbal…
Top Ten Resolutions for Pet Parents
It’s never too late to make New Year’s resolutions—which are, after all, just another form of year-round long-term goal. If you have (or plan to adopt) pets, here are some “resolution” ideas for nurturing the human-animal relationship. Resolution #1: I…
When Your Parent(s) and Your Child(ren) Have Special Needs
Written By Katherine SwartsRead Time 7 Minutes The sandwich generation is defined as a subset of family caregivers who are taking care of both an adult loved one and a child. Even if your children are self-reliant for their age and your…
Popular Misconceptions about ADHD
Thanks to BridgingApps team members, Cathy Foreman (Special Projects) and Marjorie Reichard (Project Manager), for contributing personal perspectives to the following article. Over 9 percent of people in the U.S. have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which is a challenge…