Healthcare consultations and checkups have joined the remote-appointments world; and “telehealth” (along with “telemedicine”) is now a dictionary word. Through good audio-video connections, doctors can do many of the same things they do in person: And telehealth saves patients the…
Tag: EasterSealsGreaterHouston (page 2)
Expanding Digital Access: Making New Contacts, Looking Ahead
Did you know that in the digital age, one in five U.S. households still lack adequate broadband service? And in the age of accessibility, many digital resources still lack accommodations for users with disabilities. Much of the solution lies in…
Texas Children’s Hospital, Easter Seals Greater Houston, and the BridgingApps AT Lab
Much of BridgingApps’ work involves helping children and families find the best assistive technology (AT) to meet their unique needs. There are many pediatric MDs trying to do the same, but lacking full information on AT options. Now, BridgingApps and…
BridgingApps Teaches Veterans to Access Free Streaming Services
For Veterans Day 2023, let’s take a moment to remember those U.S. Veterans who still fight battles in their post-military lives: This post is dedicated to all Veterans, but especially to the struggling and those who serve them. BridgingApps and…
Top Apps for Family Caregivers
November is National Family Caregivers Month 👨👩👧👦 Disability rarely affects just one person. Where special challenges are involved, the whole family is involved—and often the challenges take a toll on everyone’s health. According to the CDC, over a third of family…
In the Pumpkin Patch, 2023
The annual Pumpkin Patch at Easter Seals Greater Houston (ESGH) was held Tuesday afternoon, October 17. Most every department at Loop Central headquarters dressed up its office area and team members for the occasion. Our BridgingApps area featured an “Under…
The World of Adaptive Fitness
Can intellectual disability place anyone at risk for obesity? Unfortunately, statistics say yes. In the U.S., 39 percent of youngsters are overweight or obese (which is certainly bad enough); but among those with Down syndrome, the rate is 49 percent.…
National Digital Inclusion Week 2023
By the time you read this, the National Digital Inclusion Alliance will be wrapping up its annual Digital Inclusion Week, observed during the first work week in October. The 2023 theme was “Building Connected Communities”: expanding digital literacy and accessibility…
Tons of Fun: Ross McCann on ESGH Kids’ Activities
Easter Seals Greater Houston (ESGH) offers year-round group activities for kids of all ages. In today’s post, ESGH Camp Coordinator Ross McCann shares his observations (with a nod to our own Daryn Ofczarzak, whose many ESGH duties include Speech Language…
Preparing for Back-to-School
It’s August. Are your kids ready for school yet? Depending on where they’re enrolled, the actual first day of school may be as early as August 7 or as late as September 5. But however long you have to prepare,…