October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. If you or a family member have Down syndrome and need assistive technology for learning, time management, or long-term planning, check out these apps lists from our database: Growing Older with Down Syndrome As…
Tag: DownSyndromeAwarenessMonth
The World of Adaptive Fitness
Can intellectual disability place anyone at risk for obesity? Unfortunately, statistics say yes. In the U.S., 39 percent of youngsters are overweight or obese (which is certainly bad enough); but among those with Down syndrome, the rate is 49 percent.…
How to Avoid Unconscious Hiring Biases
This article is dedicated to Disability Employment Awareness Month, Down Syndrome Awareness Month, and everyone working for progress in disability employment. Check our BridgingApps for Employment list of apps that can help job seekers find opportunities, practice social skills, and…
Texas Youth2Adult Resources: Colleges with IDD Programs
Disorders such as Down syndrome or autism needn’t mean a lifetime of dependence. Many people with such disabilities can be employed and self-supporting—and there have never been more options available. Higher education, for instance, is no longer reserved for academic…
How Many Disabilities Are There?
Ever heard Down syndrome called a “spectrum disorder”? While “spectrum” in a disability context typically refers to autism, “spectrum disorder” could mean any condition that covers different types and levels of impairment. With autism, these typically include: With Down syndrome,…