COVID19 Stress Relief with Yoga Studio: Mind & Body App

Yoga Studio

If you are feeling anxious or stressed during the COVID19 outbreak, Yoga is a great way to bring relief to your mind and body. Yoga Studio: Mind & Body is free to download and is available on iOS and Android devices.

Brilliant in design, its core is strong and its body flexible making it a very high quality app for everyone. Organized into three basic sections Yoga Studio includes an area for poses, a calendar, and classes.

The library of yoga poses provides an excellent way to learn about a specific individual pose. Each featured pose offers a full “how-to” description, an explanation of its benefits, modification ideas for beginners, and any relevant precautions.

The calendar section serves as a tracker and scheduling tool. When a yoga class is completed, the “attended” class automatically gets documented on the users Yoga Studio calendar making it an effortless way to keep track of completed yoga workouts. A user can plan out future sessions with this option as well.

The “classes” section is a collection of ready-to-go video yoga sessions with many choices available for various levels of ability, various areas of desired focus, various levels of intensity, and various lengths of time. The variety of classes offered is superb and the format is sharp and clean. But the option to design a custom video class by hand choosing various poses made Yoga Studio stand out during the BridgingApps trial period.

Yoga Studio is a valuable app that is a BridgingApps favorite. Its portability brings flexibility, balance, and most importantly, zen home.

Click on the link below for full review:

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