One of BridgingApps favorite apps, Marco Polo recently responded to feedback received from members of the Deaf Community and now have a better way to talk using Sign Language in the app! Many people using Marco Polo to sign mentioned the jarring nature of seeing someone sign “with the wrong hand,” due to the mirror mode that’s usually enabled. Now you can “flip” the direction of your Polo so that images don’t appear mirrored. Whether you’re using sign language, teaching someone to play guitar, or showing off the slogan on your new T-shirt, people watching your Polo will see the original image un-mirrored.
To make the change in Marco Polo:
1️⃣ Go to Settings
2️⃣ Help & About Us
3️⃣ Tap Accessibility
4️⃣ Turn on Flip Front-Facing Camera
Click on the link below for full review: