These directions came to us by way of a teacher atThe Arbor School. There were created to help the faculty customize Proloquo2Go for each individual class. If you would like to add anything, pleaselet us know.
How to edit a button:
- Touch the pencil in the right corner – it will turn blue with a check mark – this means you are now in edit mode.
- Touch the button you want to edit
- Selecteditfrom the popup menu
- Change the words on the button:
- Touch the top line and a keyboard will come up and you type in the new label that you want on that button
- Change the image
- Touch the image
- Selectchoose a symbolif you want a symbol from the symbol library
- Touch top line and keyboard will come up, type the symbol you are looking for and all your choices will appear. Select the image you want
- Selectchoose a pictureif you want to use a digital picture from your picture library, then choosephoto library
- Selectchoose a symbolif you want a symbol from the symbol library
- Touch the image
- When you are done, select done in the upper right corner
- When you are done editing, hit the right corner check box so you get out of editing mode
How to use a digital image: (3 ways to do this)
- Use digital photos from your on-line photo library (ex: Walgreens photo, shutterfly etc).
- Pull up your digital photo library, select the photo you want
- Hold down on the photo and choosesave image(this image is now saved in your photo library
- Use digital image off of internet(Use an image search program such as Google images)
- Find the image you want, select the image you want
- Select view larger image
- hold down on image and then selectsave imagefrom the pop up menu(this image is now saved in your photo library)
- Use iTunes to upload image from you computer
- Create the images you want or use adigitalcameraand add them to a specific folder on your computer
- In iTunes, set iTunes to upload the specific folder to the photo library on the iPad
How to create a new button:
- Get on the page that you want your new button to be on
- Select the edit button (the pencil) on the lower right
- Select the plus button on the lower right
- Type in the top line what you want the button to say
- Select an image
- Selectadd(and then it should take you back to your page with your new button)
- Exit edit mode when you are done editing
How to create a new folder:
- Create a new button just like above but instead of selectingadd, you select Add as New Category
How to copy and paste from other pages:
- Go into edit mode
- Select the button that you want to copy and choosecopyfrom the pop menu ( You will then see it appear in the message window)
- Go out of the edit mode and go the page you want to paste it on
- Go back into edit mode and in the upper right corner you will see a small button labeledpaste, select that button
Note 1:You can select multiple buttons to paste, just go to each button and select copy and you will see all the buttons you have selected in the message window and then go to the page you want and select paste and it will paste all of the buttons at once.
Note 2:If you copy a folder it will copy the folder button as well as the link to all the items in the folder
How to delete a button/folder:
- Go into edit mode
- Select the button
- Selectedit
- Select delete (at the very bottom in red)
- Selectdelete itemfrom the pop menu
Thanks Tricia! This is a huge help.
A user had a question about how to cut and paste items into a home page folder on Proloquo2Go. Here is the answer from SNapps4Kids:
Go into edit mode
-Select the button that you want to copy and choose copy from the pop menu ( You will then see it appear in the message window)
-Go out of the edit mode and go the page you want to paste it on
-Go back into edit mode and in the upper right corner you will see a small button labeled paste, select that button
** You can select multiple buttons to paste, just go to each button and select copy and you will see all the buttons you have selected in the message window and then go to the page you want and select paste and it will paste all of the buttons at once.
** If you copy a folder it will copy the folder button as well as the link to all the items in the folder
I have found your info extremely helpful, and have a question. How do you change the \”home\” icon (the one that takes you back to the home page) to some other name (\”back\”)? My lower functioning students think it represents going home, and become quite upset when their request can\’t be honored.
Are you talking about the little home icon on the bottom of the page in the editing bar? If that is what you are talking about, I don\’t think there is any way to change that icon.
Would like to know if you\’ve found a way to change the home icon/word on the home page. I\’ve spent countless hours trying to find something –
Can you please email as to how to add a button into chat please? It says to select the pencil but I do not see where the pencil is. I work with our school district and I need to add a button into the students chat. Thank you.
Hi Mary, Thank you for visiting our site and commenting. Unfortunately, we do not have the answer to that question. Here is the link to the Proloquo2Go Help: and here is the link to their contact info: