The BridgingApps Team, Dr. John Torous and his team at the Division of Digital Psychiatry at BIDMC held its third Digital Navigator Training session at Easter Seals of Greater Houston. Training provides knowledge, skills & confidence to help others leverage smartphone tech as #MentalHealth support. In this role, we will help support individuals in basic digital skills with their smartphone and how to become discerning consumers to sort through mental health apps.

The goal of the Digital Navigator Program is to provide training and tools to help our community learn to better use and benefit from mobile health technology towards improving recovery and mental health.
As a Digital Navigators, we can support people:
1) setting up and troubleshooting smartphones around mental health needs
2) evaluating and picking the right app
3) boosting engagement while ensuring safety.
We are so grateful to form these relationships with this group of people and look forward to working with them in the future. Be on the lookout for more of these training opportunities moving forward.