Paired with a mobile device, the Bose SoundWear Companion Speaker is a wearable speaker that offers the best of both worlds—convenience and connection. It rests comfortably on your shoulders, with sound that is full and clear to you, yet minimizes the sound for others. Used with a communication app, when talking on the phone or to enjoy music, the Bose Speaker magnifies sound. Easy to use, extremely portable and loud, the Bose SoundWear Companion Speaker is a handy technology gadget for individuals who use mobile technology for communication or individuals who are hard of hearing.
The Bose Soundwear Companion Wireless Wearable Speaker can be purchased from Amazon for $299.
If you\’re going to market this to people with hearing loss, please take the time to make your content accessible by adding quality captions and not auto-generated captions by YouTube which are in accurate and doesn\’t consistently include information like punctuation. How much additional volume does this product add? (I\’m looking for the actual decibel output)
Thank you so much for reaching out to us, and for your question about the Bose wearable speaker. We make every effort to manually caption all of the original videos that we create and post to our BridgingApps YouTube channel. This video, however, was created by Bose, and we do not control content that comes from another website. We were made aware of this product from a professional at Gallaudet University, and we were so excited about its potential for users of Augmentative and Alternative Communication and those who are deaf or hard of hearing that we wanted to post to our blog right away. We included the link that offers the full description of this product, but we were not able to find a volume amount listed. We suggest contacting Bose directly to get your questions answered. You can contact them here: Please let us know if we can answer any additional questions related to our website and content!
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