October is a big conference month for many organizations, and BridgingApps is no exception. Today, three of our team share their in-person experiences from this year. Conference: M-Enabling Summit Official Description: “The leading global conference and showcase covering the fast-moving…
Tag: AssistiveTechnology
AirPods as AT: “Hearing Aid” Is Now an Earbud Feature
Remember last year’s blog post on “The New World of Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids”? For a long time, hearing aids required a doctor’s prescription and hundreds to thousands of dollars. And those dollars frequently came out of the user’s pocket, since…
Looking Back: Assistive Technology in the Last Quarter of the 20th Century
Would it surprise you to learn that assistive-technology engineering began long before the age of apps? And long before the Americans with Disabilities Act? And even before computers became household appliances? My Father the Pioneer I grew up close to…
BYOC (Bring Your Own Captioning) for Conference Speakers
Like many forms of assistive technology, screen captions have gone mainstream. Many people with typically functional hearing are turning on the captions for a variety of reasons: private viewing in public environments, poor sound quality on individual devices, or just…
Report from Net Inclusion 2024
(Note: For purposes of this article and in line with NDIA practice, “inclusion” comprises all human-diversity categories, not just those related to disability and accessibility.) Billed as “The Nation’s Premiere Digital Inclusion Conference and Community,” the annual Net Inclusion event…
Field Report: TCEA Convention 2024
The Texas Computer Education Association (TCEA) held its 2024 Convention & Exposition February 3–7, in Austin. The following material comes from Tara Rocha, our BridgingApps Digital Learning Specialist, who also presented the workshop “Reading with Tech: I’m All Ears.” TCEA…
Assistive Technology in Schools: Top Things Every Parent Should Know
How much do you know about your child’s right to use assistive technology (AT) in school? The U.S. Department of Education has recently issued new guidelines, published this January as Myths and Facts Surrounding Assistive Technology Devices and Services. Here…
What’s Going on in the AT Lab?
Today’s article salutes BridgingApps’ Assistive Technology Lab Services and our latest financial gift from Comcast. Unless otherwise specified, all information below is from our Program Director, Cristen Reat. We are so grateful for Comcast’s ongoing support. For nearly ten years,…
Getting a New Device
Some people love trying out new digital devices. Others see only a nightmare plunge into alien territory. But whether approached eagerly or reluctantly, new technology is a fact of life, and few people can ignore it forever. If you tend…
Assistive Technology for Holiday Events
Typical “holiday fun”—flashing lights, music, big parties—isn’t fun for everyone. With autism, epilepsy, or sensory processing disorder, even grocery shopping can be a trigger-loaded environment in December. And what do you do if everyone in your family is eager to…