Lunch & Learn: Let’s Get Accessible with Your Devices — Getting to Know Accessibility Features that Can Help with Low Vision and Reading Content Aloud

Plan to join us virtually Wednesday, February 23, from 12:00 – 12:30 pm.

Many of us have already learned about the benefits of having articles and books read aloud to us.  Did you know that you can have texts read aloud too?  Or maybe you are training your students to read a menu when they are dining out in a restaurant and they continue to struggle.  In our Lunch & Learn this time we are kicking off a special series on Accessibility Features.  We plan to spend the next four lunch and learns discussing accessiblity features.  We will start with vision, since February is low-vision awareness month.  We’ll share the features of “Spoken Content” and how to turn on  “Speak Selection” so that you can have text read aloud to you.  There is also a speech controller that gives you a shortcut, or a built-in play button to have content read aloud wherever and whenever you need to use it.

Have you been wanting to check out our bi-monthly Lunch & Learn, but have missed them?  Maybe you've joined one, but would like to put them on your calendar for future planning.  

In March, we’ll move through the list of accessiblity features in settings, jumping into hearing and using Siri/Google Assistant in March.  We’ll discuss physical & motor accessibility features, where we’ll share information from a recent blog post on Haptic Touch to finish out the month.  The month of April brings us to Autism Awareness month and we’ll explore Guided Access, a feature that has been around for a long time.  We’ll be sharing some favorite ways to use this great accessibility feature (specifically for teachers in the classroom and caregivers managing screentime at home).  For more on this you can watch one of our great videos on Guided Access

In our popular Lunch & Learn series, we have explored topics such as:

  • Creating shopping lists using Alexa
  • Using apps such as “Speechify” to have text read aloud
  • Managing calendars and sharing across people and platforms
  • Keeping up with task lists for productivity using various “notes” apps
  • Tracking features on apps and devices
  • Parent Controls and Internet Safety
  • How to Mirror Your Device on Your SMART TV
  • Getting Fit and Tracking Your Progress with Apps
  • Wearable Devices to Track Important Health Data

Feel free to share this with a friend and join us for our next Lunch and Learn to find out all about it. RSVP for this free event by clicking on the link.

Please note, as always this session will not be recorded. We want everyone to feel comfortable, so we don’t require cameras to be turned in.  We will be using the chat to make it more interactive and welcome your comments and questions.  Our small group meets every other week on different topics, but it might vary some with holidays.

We are always looking for new topics, so feel free to make a request as we schedule out next year’s topics.

We hope that you will join us for these free events.

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