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As we near the time for our children to return to school, after schools closed in the spring due to COVID-19, there are many uncertainties. What will school look like for our children? Will it be face-to-face, virtual, or a mixture of both kinds of instruction? Will children be required to wear face masks and if so, how will they handle that? Will the schools shut down every time someone gets sick? These questions and concerns can cause stress in us, as parents, but also in our children. Our mental health professionals at Easter Seals Greater Houston have created a couple of videos to help manage stress in your life, as well as the life of your child. We also have some great app lists created by the BridgingApps team to help the whole family manage stress. Try our BridgingApps Kids Support App List and our BridgingApps Mental Health Apps List.
Check out the videos in the Stress Relief for the Family playlist on our YouTube channel.