During our December 1, 2010 Meeting, a parent presented a number of apps she uses with her child. She has put the following list together. As we add the each app to our own database i will hyperlink them to this list so you can rate the apps, add your comments and tell us how you are using them individually. Here are a few apps:
For fun:
- Adam’s Art– (This is always one of the ones he wants to try.)
- Colorful Aquarium
- Cookie Doodle
- Glow Coloring
- iLava
- uDrum808
- More Pizza!
- iWashmy dog
- Swirlicity Lite
- Sam’s Remote (from iCarly)
- Skee-Ball
- Create a Car
- iLoveFireworks Lite (I really think this is cool.)
- Bubble Free
- Angry Birds Lite
- Fruit Ninja
- ClickySticky
- Dice (Great for games like Yahtzee, or where you need a spinner)
- 100’s Chart (This is useful when wanting to point to an answer.)
- eduDice (beginning to count and adding)
- Math Magic
- Math Series
- Monkey Preschool Lunchbox
- Kindergarten Pattern Recognition
- Cat in the Hat
- Jack and the Beanstalk by Ayars Animation
- Seuss ABC
- 1 Fish 2 Fish
- Toy Story
- Tap Speak Button
- Tap Speak Sequence
- PainScale
- iMean
- TapToTalk
- Proloquo2Go
- iComm
- HaloTalk
- Aphasia (Male and Female voices)
- Answers Yes/No
Language Arts:
- SpellDown Spelling Bee
- pocketphonic
- Word Magic (I love this one.)
- ABC Free
- Flash Card Creator by Smart Baby Apps
- ACT Spell (good for practicing for spelling tests)
- My First Sentences (Smart Baby Apps)
- SkyWriting Hd (Good for practicing letters without worrying about writing in the lines.)
- Picture Pusher (I think this app could teach her how to slide the switch when you first turn on the ipad…I’ll show you.)
- First Words
- First Words: Animals
- Baby Shapes
- ShapeBuilder
- Art Puzzle HD (some you may not want her to see, but it is very cool because you can change the number of pieces in the puzzle.)
- Wood Puzzle