Low Vision App List

BridgingApps Top Apps for Low Vision

BridgingApps has compiled a list of apps that have been developed specifically for people with low vision. These functional apps assist with everyday tasks, increase independence and generally make life easier. With a mobile device at hand users can simply open an app and have instant help with daily tasks like reading a book, making a phone call, using a calculator, browsing the web, identifying objects, and more.

Click here for BridgingApps full list of Apps for Low Vision:


Low Vision App List

















5 thoughts on “BridgingApps Top Apps for Low Vision

  1. I cannot get the link to the list of apps for Low Vision to work. I am really interested in this list as I am recently a member of the Low Vision community and finding apps that are good on my own is very time consuming. Time I do not have as a VR Counselor.

    Also this I am not a robot thing has pictures that are not large enough for me tell what some of them are. I had to get a coworker to come make sure I had all of the storefronts selected.

  2. Thank you for reaching out to BridgingApps and letting us know that you were not able to access our Low Vision App List. I sincerely apologize for any trouble that you are having. Our server is currently down, there is a large outage in our area, so we simply have to wait for it to come back up.

    The BridgingApps community is a shared community of parents, professionals and people with disabilities sharing information on which technologies and apps are helpful. Many of the apps on the low vision app list have been recommended by those with low vision, so we hope that once you are able to access the list that you find a few that work for you. We would also be interested in which apps you use personally and find helpful as you live with low vision.

    As to the difficulty with using the CAPTCHA code box, we apologize for this too. We are sorry that you had trouble with it and had to rely on someone else to access it. We will pass this information on to our developer. We are always working to improve the experience of our users, and we are working to make the website more accessible. Please let us know if we can answer any other questions for you, and I hope that this outage does not last long. I will send you an email when you should be able to access the list. Thank you for reaching out!

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