BridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Reviewed App on the site:
Metronome App Free – Beats (BPM) & Tap Tempo Pro is a digital mobile metronome app developed by professional musicians that lets you experience a real metronome. Keep tempo with the help of metronome beats. There are different sound sets, tempos, time signatures and animations including vibration.
This app has many uses besides keeping the beat while playing music or singing. You can use this app to help regulate movement such as gait, walking stride or overall upper and lower body gross motor movements. You can also use this as a visual for breathing and regulation of sensory systems. This app can also be used to help with speech patterns and meter/rate of speech.
The Metronome App Free can be used in any setting and population that may need auditory, visual or a vibratory type cuing system.
Click on the link below for full review: