Autism iHelp Sorting App

BridgingApps Reviewed App | Autism iHelp – Sorting

Autism iHelp Sorting AppAutism iHelp – Sorting is a fun and interactive app that requires the learner to drag and drop items into the appropriately labeled categorical box. This activity allows the learner another opportunity to generalize previously reviewed vocabulary through real-life photo images and improve categorization skills, divided attention, and visual processing.

The app has three levels of play. The child is presented with real life photographs, which they drag and drop into the appropriate box. In levels 1 and 2 the child is given two boxes to place the items into. In the third level, the child is given three choice boxes. The therapist can choose from these options to change the app: audio off or on, number of answer images, and audio type. A progress report that averages the last 3 performances of each activity is available.

Level 1 categories for sorting include: Toys and clothes Letters and numbers Vehicles Animals Shapes Happy and sad Home Colors He and she

Level 2: Outdoors and indoors Circles and spheres Fruits and vegetables Big and small animals Clothes Heavy and light Living and non-living things Toys and vehicles Excited and mad

Level 3: Shapes Colors Home Toys, clothes, food Summer, fall, winter Mad, glad, sad Vehicles Animals

A lite version of the app is free and provides an activity at each level. For a complete level, the app costs $1.99 per level with 9 activities in each. The children that used this app for review were able to use the app without difficulty. The therapist had many options of categories for the child to distinguish. The actual time to complete one activity was short so even children with limited attention skills can be successful. No reading ability is needed.

Click on the link below for more information on theAutism iHelp – Sorting app:

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