answering-therapy app

BridgingApps Reviewed App | Answering Therapy – Yes/No & Wh Questions for Expressive & Receptive Language

answering-therapy appBridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Reviewed App to the site:

Answering Therapy – Yes/No & Wh Questions for Expressive & Receptive Language gives users the opportunity to learn to understand and answer questions. It presents both yes/no and WH questions. Multiple users can be set up within the app with personal settings allowed for each. Custom questions can also be added to the app. In addition, the therapist can add personal information about a user and this information will be incorporated into the app’s questions in the personal level.

This app is highly recommended for students and adults that need instruction on answering questions. Setup by a teacher or therapist is necessary. It can also assist in reading skills and understanding of basic concepts. Data tracking for multiple users is available for documentation purposes.

Click on the link below for full review:

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