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BridgingApps Recently Updated App | Heat Pad HD: Relaxing Surface

BridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Recently Updated App on the site:

Recently updated for iOS 14, Heat Pad continues to be a great app for users of many ages and abilities.  Heat Pad is a simple app that simulates a surface reacting to the “heat” of the touch of one’s fingertips.

Heat Pad is a great app that can address many different skills in users of all ages.  It is a great simple tool to introduce and practice cause and effect with even the youngest user.  It’s visually pleasing colors and calming sounds aid in it being a tool to teach self-calming strategies to users who may often find themselves stressed in the classroom or who need breaks after completing challenging work.  After a user has practiced with the app, it can be a great addition to a calm down space in a classroom or therapy setting.

Click on the link below for the full review:

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