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BridgingApps Featured App | i Get… Christmas Vocabulary Photo Album Books

iGet Christmas IconBridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Featured App on the site:

i Get… Christmas Vocabulary Photo Album Books is an app that allows users to make auditory photo books. There are a variety of different “I Get it…” apps, but this particular one focuses on Christmas.

This app allows you to create different books for different users. When you start the app you have to create a user and then from there you create your books. In this Christmas app there are four different Christmas books already made with 16 – 48 different pages. Each page has a real-life photo and a single word naming the object. The books are Christmas Tree, Presents, Decorations, and Santa. This book is completely adaptable so you can personalize it to meet the user’s needs and make it applicable to the user’s life.

These books do not create a story, but they are more of a vocabulary book. They introduce the user to all the different vocabulary used during the Christmas season. It is a great way to help children become comfortable with the many different objects they will see or interact with during the holiday season as well as just increase a child’s expressive and receptive vocabulary.

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This app could be used in many different ways. It could be used by parents to help a child become comfortable with all that will be happening in their child’s social life during the Christmas season, or by speech pathologists to increase a child’s vocabulary and verbal output. They could have the child name the item before it is read as a way to test their vocabulary comprehension or have them repeat the word after it is read a loud to increase their verbal output.

Teachers could use it to introduce Christmas vocabulary in general or they could make it specific and use in conjunction with books they will be reading as a way to introduce the vocabulary before reading the books.

In this Christmas app, besides just the Christmas book, there is also a “My Favorites” book and a “My Photos” book. The books are empty so that you can create the pages specifically for the user. The “My Photos” book is a great way for someone who is non-verbal to share their photos with someone else. It is like a talking photo album.

The creators of this app have made it very user friendly, especially in the editing process or the creation of new pages. There is a “help manual” right in the app as well as a website that has tutorial videos for how to use the many aspects of the app to meet the users individual needs. This app is simple and yet can be used in many different ways to meet a whole variety of different needs.

Click on the link below for full review:



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