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Boosting Productivity and Accessibility with iOS and Web Tools: Essential Features You Should Know

In an increasingly fast-paced world, staying organized and managing tasks efficiently is more important than ever. Thanks to recent advancements in iOS 18 and useful web tools, individuals now have access to features that not only improve productivity but also enhance accessibility. In this post, we share three helpful YouTube videos to guide you through each feature step-by-step.

1. Boosting Executive Functioning and Focus with the Notes App in iOS 18 or Later

2. Improved Accessibility on the BridgingApps Website & Reading Aloud with Natural Voices on the Edge Browser

3. Add Events to Your Calendar Using Siri – No Voice Required with Type to Siri on iOS

These three tools are excellent examples of how technology can simplify your life, enhance accessibility, and keep you focused and organized. Whether you’re using iOS for task management, browsing the web with added accessibility features, or managing your calendar with Siri, these tools can help you work smarter, not harder. Be sure to check out the videos above to see each feature in action!

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