Instructions and How-to backup and save your Proloquo2Go Application and if you need to move between two iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch devices.
Author: Amy Barry (page 173)
NACD iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Apps for (Special) Education
The National Association for Child Development (NACD) has found their caseload to benefit greatly from the use of the iPad and its various applications. This list was donated by one of their clients that works for Apple.
Introduction Video to Proloquo2Go
Introduction Video to Proloquo2Go by Tricia, a special needs teacher. She covers getting started, how she uses Proloquo2Go in her class and how she recommends getting started and organizing the application.
Apple Launches iPad 2 March 11th
Apple Launches iPad 2 available March 11. The new iPad will help special needs users with a built in camera to help you customize communication apps right on the iPad itself.
A Spectrum of Apps for Students on the Autism Spectrum
Created by Heather Bridgman and Nick Weiland at the Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence Disabilities (OCALI) for a presentation 11-18-10 at the OCALI Conference in Columbus, Ohio
Proloquo2Go Training in March 2011 SNApps4Kids Meeting
If you are a parent considering using Proloquo2Go with your child, a therapist wanting to learn more or a teacher who would like specific examples of how to use it with multiple students, you won’t want to miss this informative opportunity.
March 2011 Newsletter
Februaryhas been quite a month for! I am posting the March Newsletter a few days early. We upgraded to a new server. We already out grew our first hosting system and have now moved to a bigger server. Some…
Basic Proloquo2go Editing Directions
These directions came to us by way of a teacher atThe Arbor School. There were created to help the faculty customize Proloquo2Go for each individual class. If you would like to add anything, pleaselet us know. How to edit a…
Trident Kraken Hybrid Case for iPad
One of the parents in our iPad group uses this case with their 2 special needs kids. They have been using iPod Touches for 4 years now and like Trident Kraken Hybrid Case for iPad. This is very robust, drool…
February 2011 Newsletter
Here is what’s new: Applications: Arbor School Spring 2011 iPad Application List MyUnderwear Alternative to ProLoQuo2Go – Written by Mark Potts iCommunicate Predictable Articles iPad Stand for $8! An iPad case for Special Needs Connecting an iPad to a Wheelchair…