Sam Alexander, Ben Alexander

Are YOU ready to transition?

Sam Alexander, Ben AlexanderYoung adults with special health care needs and their parents have many questions about transition, especially when it comes to health care. Common questions are:

  • Why do I have to switch doctors just because I am 18?
  • What should I bring to my appointments?
  • If I need help making health care decisions, what are my options?

It is important that young people with special health care needs learn how to take care of themselves as they grow up. Learn to develop self-care skills from a young age. With support from parents, begin to make your own doctor appointments, know what medicine you take and practice filling out forms. Get to know your pharmacist. Practice buying your own over the counter medicine and supplies that you need to stay healthy.

Know that transition is not a date on a calendar or a point in time, but a process. TexasYouth2Adult, an online tool to help Texas families with children who have special health care needs prepare to transition to adulthood, will guide you along the way.

Are YOU ready to make the transition to adult health care? Take this quiz from and find out!

Sign up now to be alerted when TexasYouth2Adult goes live in October! 


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