Parenting Special Needs Magazine and BridgingApps collaborated for a special New Year article. Although we hoped that many aspects of our lives would get back to pre-pandemic “normal” last year, many of us caring for children with disabilities continued to be challenged in unexpected ways. At times we felt uncertain, disorganized and frustrated, but always aimed to do our absolute best for our families and ourselves. Super moms, dads and grandparents, we are. (Marvel has nothing on us.)
Technology continued to play a huge role in our lives, whether we ordered groceries online (curbside is a game changer), participated in an IEP meeting on Zoom (can you say screen record?), or tried a telehealth visit with the pediatrician for the first time. Many of these advances are here to stay, offering flexibility and convenience to empower caregivers.
Welcome 2022! The beginning of each year promises us a fresh start, urges us to find new motivation, and can be a natural time to think about how to avoid parenting burnout when life gets challenging. How can technology help? Many apps make big claims, but can they really help support our well-being?
We have done the work and tried out apps that can help you set goals, track progress and more. From sleep tracking to daily journaling, we have gathered some of our favorite apps that inspired us and might inspire you to get focused and stick to your goals in 2022. Each of these apps are meant to help you with a specific aspect of your day-to-day life. Personalize your device with the apps or areas that you need the most help.
Check out the full article in the January/February 2022 Parenting Special Needs Magazine article. And, be sure to subscribe to receive a free copy of the magazine.