Summertime is almost here! As parents and caregivers, we know that summer means less structured time for our children due to school breaks. This inevitably leads to more responsibilities for us as caregivers, which can also mean more stress. Taking time to care for our physical and mental health is important for the health of our family and summertime is no exception. Movement and mental health apps have changed the way we exercise and meditate. One specific area where technology has influenced body and mind workouts is with guided content. From counselors to yoga teachers, skilled professionals and a good workout are within the reach of a cell phone. Content is typically geared towards the general population with the assumption that persons using the app are in good health. Although many apps may offer suggestions of modifications, there is much less content directed towards people with special needs.
Read the full Parenting Special Needs Article for a list of apps to get you started with caring for your mental and physical health this summer: