Written By Katherine SwartsRead Time 3 Minutes When school vacation starts, so do parental worries about “summer slide”—the extended-time-off effect by which too many kids forget what they learned the previous year. And if your children have learning disabilities, the…
Tag: special education
NACD iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Apps for (Special) Education
The National Association for Child Development (NACD) has found their caseload to benefit greatly from the use of the iPad and its various applications. This list was donated by one of their clients that works for Apple.
Proloquo2Go Training in March 2011 SNApps4Kids Meeting
If you are a parent considering using Proloquo2Go with your child, a therapist wanting to learn more or a teacher who would like specific examples of how to use it with multiple students, you won’t want to miss this informative opportunity.
March 2011 Newsletter
Februaryhas been quite a month for SNApps4Kids.com! I am posting the March Newsletter a few days early. We upgraded to a new server. We already out grew our first hosting system and have now moved to a bigger server. Some…