
National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day 2019 | Connor’s Success Story

March is National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month and March 25th is National Cerebral Palsy Awareness Day. In celebration, we are sharing Connor’s success story. One of the presents that Connor Meadows first unwrapped in 2012 was an iPad. Within days, this…

Arbor School Spring 2011 iPad list

The Arbor School has just started a program to bring iPads into their 7 class rooms. Here is a list of all applications by classroom that they started the spring 2011 semester with on each of the iPads.

The Arbor School has just started a program to bring iPads into their 7 class rooms. Here is a list of all applications by classroom that they started the spring 2011 semester with on each of the iPads. The Arbor School is a special needs school in Houston Texas. They serve special needs children with Cerebral Palsy, DownsSyndrome, Autism and Global Developmental Delay of all ages. Their classes have mixedspecialneeds students and are group by broad ability.