As we have covered in previous back to school articles, for students with special needs, transitioning back into school can be challenging. At the time of this writing in early summer 2020, many states are only just beginning to ease restrictions on stay at home orders, so we are unsure of what “back to school” really means.
To help make life easier for your learner this year BridgingApps has created a list of our favorite must-have educational apps for back to school. Wishing you and your family a successful school year- however you define success!
Click the link or image below to read the full Parenting Special Needs article:

Since there are fewer apps for teens, I saw a need for decision making in the community to increase independence, so I created a decision making app called Smart Steps Mobile. It integrates social skills, self advocacy, and decision making. Use it in role playing situations to explore options in handling a late ride, bullying, being hungry, having a question at work, deciding what to do next during remote learning, someone on social media wanting to meet somewhere, and more. You can create your own content, too. Social skills and practical tips can be stored and presented on the screen just at the moment needed. A help button leads to emergency contacts. A profile button leads to information about the user, which can come in handy in an emergency. A map button leads to the map stored in the phone. There\’s lots to explore, and the best thing is that by learning it during school, an individual would have a tool for life.
Hi Cindy, Thank you for sharing Smart Steps Mobile. We have it in our App Search Tool. I would love to connect with you regarding a guest blog post here on BridgingApps. Feel free to email with a user success story.