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Join Us For Our Upcoming Lunch & Learn

Wearable Devices to Track Important Health Data

Plan to join us virtually Wednesday, February 9, from 12:00 – 12:30 pm. Have you set some fitness goals for the New Year that include getting more movement in your life? We want to share how to get the most out of “Wearable Technology”.  We’ll also explore other types of wearables, than the typical watches that track people’s steps.  Did you know that there are wearables for babies, that can monitor oxygen levels, temperature, etc?  Maybe you are looking to find specific information for your healthcare needs like blood-glucose levels or blood pressure.  We will share what we have discovered to help you in your health care needs to make 2022 the best yet to keep you healthy and wise.

In our popular Lunch & Learn series, we have explored topics such as:

Open Lab: Houston Location


  • Creating shopping lists using Alexa
  • Using apps such as “Speechify” to have text read aloud
  • Managing calendars and sharing across people and platforms
  • Keeping up with task lists for productivity using various “notes” apps
  • Tracking features on apps and devices
  • Parent Controls and Internet Safety
  • How to Mirror your phone to your SMART TV.

Please note, as always this session will not be recorded. We want everyone to feel comfortable, so we don’t require cameras to be turned in.  We will be using the chat to make it more interactive and welcome your comments and questions.  Our small group meets every other week on different topics, but it might vary some with holidays.

We are always looking for new topics, so feel free to make a request as we schedule out the events for the next couple of months.

We hope that you will join us for these FREE events!

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