Fort Bend County Welcomes The George Foundation AT Lab

George1 October 24 2013Thursday, October 24th marked the official opening of the George Foundation Assistive Technology Lab, a service of Easter Seals Greater Houston and BridgingApps. What a great way to open our doors! We had visitors coming in and out of the lab throughout the day, and met some wonderful parents at the open house  in the evening.Photo Sep 26, 10 21 44 AM

Parents came in asking about apps for everything, from communication and language to math and organizational apps for school. We introduced visitors to Proloquo2Go and numerous choice board apps like Answers: YesNo HD and Choice Board Creator. Several visitors were interested in protecting and positioning a mobile device, so we guided them to the Table Top Suction Mount for the iPad by AbleNet. A toddler came in with mom and worked on visual memory games using Injini Game Development Suite by NC Soft and finger isolation by working on iBaby Buttons by Software Smoothie.

Then it was time to set up for the open house. A family came in looking for technology tools that might help their child be more successful and independent in school. We discussed several apps and the added “cool factor” of many mobile devices. We showed them how to navigate the BridgingApps website and how to find apps that would be appropriate. Some favorite apps for school demonstrated were First Then Visual Schedule, SpellBoard, Inspiration Maps, Explain Everything and Abilipad.

George_lab_Cristen_familiesOur Fort Bend community is growing! If you want to learn more about using technology to enhance the lives of people with disabilities, please come by the lab during open lab hours on Thursdays from 11-5. No appointment necessary, but one on one time with a specialist will depend on the number of visitors on any given open lab day. 

United Way Building

10435 Greenbough, Stafford, TX 77477

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