
Eye-Gaze Control Technology for People with Cerebral Palsy

If you or a loved one uses eye-gaze control technology to communicate, the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Group has published Clinical Guidelines to assist decision-making. They are based on consensus of 126 respondents including clinicians, educators, families, people with cerebral palsy and others from 17 countries.  The topics addressed by the Clinical Guidelines include unique features of eye-gaze control technology, initial assessment, trial, learning, support, follow up, outcome measurement, and funding considerations.

Eye-gaze control technology for people with cerebral palsy CLINICAL GUIDELINES 2021 is available as a free download by registering at

For additional information, contact Dr. Petra Karlsson at Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute, The University of Sydney, 88 Mallet Street, Camperdown, NSW, 2050, Australia

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2 thoughts on “Eye-Gaze Control Technology for People with Cerebral Palsy

  1. I love this blog. it is very reliable advice. If you looking best eye-gaze control technology to communicate, LinkAssistive is the best option for all. They offer the best of assistive technology with the intuitive features of the Tobii Dynavox Eye Gaze Devices.

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