BridgingApps and Easter Seals Houston are committed to your health and safety. This information is not intended to be medical advice. Please see your doctor if you have any medical questions.
What is it: A new virus that has spread around the world.
How do you get it: Because it is new, scientist are not sure, but think you may get it like you get the flu.
How to protect yourself and others: Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash. If you don’t have a tissue sneeze or cough into the crook of your elbow. Always wash your hands afterwards.
Keeping Clean: Wash your hands for at least twenty seconds with soap and warm water. If water is not available, use hand sanitizer. Try not to touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Make sure to clean and disinfect things and surfaces that get touched often like door knobs.
Keeping your Device Clean: As the coronavirus outbreak continues to spread, keeping your hands and smartphone clean is critical. Here’s how to sanitize iPhones, Google Pixels, and other devices:
Apple products
Google Pixel
General Screen Cleaning Tips
When you should consider calling your doctor: If you have a cough or a high temperature or trouble breathing. Lots of other things can also cause these symptoms (flu, colds or other viruses). If you have travelled in countries where lots of people have the virus (for example, China, N. Korea, Iran, Italy, S. Korea) or have been close to someone who has the virus, you are most at risk of getting the virus, but other people are also getting sick from community spread. You might be asked to stay home for 14 days to help stop the spreading, or if you are sick, you may be taken to the hospital for treatment. Call 9-1-1 if you are so sick you need an ambulance.
What will it do: Scientists think most people will not know they have the virus or will only be a little sick if they are infected, but people with other conditions such as heart problems or diabetes may become very sick or may die.
More information: The CDC is the government website with all of the most up to date information: This can be scary for children, here is a comic that helps explain the virus:
How You Can Help: To protect yourself, Easter Seals’ employees and the whole community, please cancel any scheduled visits if you are sick or think you may have been exposed to the virus. Your provider will check with you before visits to see how you are and will reschedule your visit if you or someone in the household is at risk for Corona Virus.