Transition Apps

BridgingApps for Employment | National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2021

Transition Apps

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. The theme for NDEAM 2021, “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion,” reflects the importance of ensuring that people with disabilities have full access to employment and community involvement during the national recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Transitioning from high school to college or work can be stressful, but taking adequate time to prepare and plan for transition can make for a much smoother process. For families and individuals with disabilities it is important to start planning ahead.

To help you along, our team has put together BridgingApps for Transition and Independence App List to help you look towards the future and assist with the skills needed to lead the most fulfilling and independent life as possible.

BridgingApps for Transition and Employment

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