
BridgingApps Reviewed App | Yes-No Your Way

yes-no-your-wayBridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Reviewed App to the site:

Yes-No Your Way is a two-button AAC app that you can configure to meet your communication needs. If you are choosing to use the yes/no words, you are given many options on what you want the visual representation of yes and no to be. You can program it based on the options attached to the app (color, arrow up/down, etc.) or you can import your own images.

App facilitators also have the option to program the app to use other words or concepts. For example, if you are working on having a student choose from 2 different activities at play time you could take a photo of each and program the app to use those as your choices.

Click on the link below for full review:

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