BridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Reviewed App on the site:
Goodreads is a fun and motivating literacy app for summer. Great for children, teens and adults of all abilities, Goodreads helps users discover, share and track books. Find new and interesting books by browsing personalized recommendations based on books you have read and your favorite genres. See what your friends are reading, write book reviews, and keep track of what you want to read.
A Goodreads feature we like is ‘shelves’. You start with three default shelves (read, currently-reading, and to-read), but you can also create your own bookshelves. Shelf names range from classics and coffee-table-books to childrens-lit and sci-fi — you can create any category that suits your personal taste. Parents of special needs children may enjoy books on the Popular Special Education Books Shelf.
Click on the link below for full review: