Flip Writer AAC App

BridgingApps Reviewed App | Flip Writer AAC – Unique Supports for Speech, Hearing, and Complex Needs

Flip Writer AAC AppBridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Reviewed App on the site:

Recently updated, Flip Writer AAC is a text to speech AND speech to text app that allows two people to communicate nonverbally. While communicating with someone who is deaf or hard of hearing, the speaker can either speak into the iPad and the app will convert the speech to written words or the speaker can type into the iPad and the typed speech with appear on both the typist’s side of the iPad and the reader’s side of the iPad. This app is also useful for private conversations. Each person can type on their side of the iPad and the message will automatically appear on the conversational partners side of the iPad.

Flip Writer AAC can be used in loud environments due to the text features. It is designed so the text to speech aspect can be easily activated by touching the screen. The app has an attention getting feature built in. If the user taps the screen twice, a loud alarm will sound.

Click on the link below for full review:


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