Recently updated with improved accessibility features, Pinterest is a must-have visual and social app used for the discovery and curation of content. There are endless uses for teachers, therapists, parents, caregivers, students, and even older adults. Parents and caregivers of special needs students use Pinterest to find resources, activities, treatment options, inspiration and to connect with others. Many of our older adult friends are using Pinterest to find crafts, recipes, and even for finding interesting articles on aging and health. Grandparents enjoy following their children and grandchildren on Pinterest to see their interests. We have also found Pinterest to be an excellent source of mental therapy. Having a bad day? Search for uplifting pictures and articles. Or, maybe find a new recipe and bake for yourself or a friend. Bridgingapps highly recommends Pinterest to users of all ages and abilities.
Pinterests new and improved accessibility features include:
- Better screen reader support makes signing up, browsing and saving easier and more usable.
- Color contrast sensitivity improvements make color palettes more readable and easier on the eyes. This is especially helpful for Pinners with sensitivities to bright colors and those who have low vision.
- Focus indicators help people with mobility or visual differences use a keyboard or another device to navigate to see which part of the site is in focus.
Pinterest also created accessibility best practices for engineers and designers, in addition to a new UI library with accessible components. As they develop and design Pinterest, accessibility checks are now in place to ensure they have clearly labeled icons and components for any new feature.
The good news is that Pinterest is continuing to make its site and app more inclusive of everyone. They have made significant progress updating their iOS and web platforms to meet the majority of the accessibility standards.
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