The New Year brings with it a fresh start and mantras about getting organized, de-cluttering and resolving to be more efficient. Sometimes integrating a simple tool into your routine can have a big payoff on efficiency and more peace of mind. Check out BridgingApps Organization and Executive Functioning List:
I am a parent of a child with autism. I am also a family support provider for Autism Delaware. With that said I am also an advocate for my child and All children with autism and Delaware.
I just requested an assistive technology evaluation for my son through an IEP meeting. The school district at this point has no one to contact and will be getting back to with a specialist in this area.
Please contact me for a phone conference/consultation concerning schedules, routines, reinforcement, educational programming and virtual reality.
My son’s team, at this point, is dead in the water without assistive technology to help him progress and get a meaningful education.
Thank you for your time.
Karen Mackie
Hi Karen, Thank you for contacting BridgingApps. We are happy to help you with assistive technology for your son. One of our team members will contact you via email.