peekaboo-presents app

BridgingApps Featured App | Peekaboo Presents

peekaboo-presents appBridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Featured App to the site:

Peekaboo Presents from Day & Night Studios, Inc. is a great way to help young children learn cause and effect. The app shows a present on the screen and the child must touch the present to unwrap it. When the present is unwrapped, the app names the object that was in the box.

This merry app is both fun-filled and educational. With younger children work on repeating sounds effects and names and when playing with older children listen to the sound effects coming from the present and see if they can guess which gift is hiding inside. Each present name is written out which also allows the opportunity to practice reading and letter recognition.

We have used this app with children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years old with diagnoses of autism, cerebral palsy and speech delay.

Click on the link below for full review:

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