
BridgingApps Local Austin Meeting Hosts Open House

BridgingApps Austin and Easter Seals Central Texas hosted a “Back to School” open house style meeting.  Dallas Webster, an Assistive Technology Specialist showed guests different pieces of hardware and a special voice activated  dog named Lucky.  Sarah Williams from Employment…

Assistive Technology Podcast: How iOS7 and the iPhone 5 Impact People With Disabilities

BridgingApps is a weekly contributor to a podcast called the “Assistive Technology Update“.  This podcast takes a look at Assistive Technology—the clever devices designed to help people who have difficulties with vision, mobility, hearing or other special needs. Recently BridgingApps co-founder…

BridgingApps Reviewed App | Alexicom Elements Child Home (M) SymbolStix

BridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Reviewed App on the site: This is a great basic assistive communication app. It gives a beginner AAC user a way to communicate, needs and wants, express their understanding of basic concepts and participate…

BridgingApps Reviewed App | Alexicom Elements Child Home (F) SymbolStix

BridgingApps just published the following BridgingApps Reviewed App on the site: This is a great basic assistive communication app. It gives a beginner AAC user a way to communicate, needs and wants, express their understanding of basic concepts and participate…