Calling all educators, specialists, and administrators using iPads for P-12.
We invite you to fill out this survey to participate in an independent research study on the integration and effectiveness of the iPad in P-12 education.
Thank you for your continued support, and see the full details of this study below:
Dear Colleagues,
You are invited to participate in a study of “The Integration and Effectiveness of the iPad in Pâ€12 Education.â€Â The purpose of this research is to capture the status of the use of the iPad and its effectiveness. The areas of focus of this research are:
- Implementation
- Teaching
- Learning
- Collaboration
- Professional Development
For decades, education has been using technology in P-12 schools. However, the connections with students’ achievement and teacher development linked to the 21st Century Skills remain unknown. The introduction of the iPad as an educational tool emerged after much of the initial research about the integration of technology was completed. Therefore, this study will investigate the level of integration of the iPad and its effectiveness as a tool for enhancing the acquisition of the 21st Century Skills for teachers and P-12 students. The iPad, selected due to the embedded accessibility features and reported success with the use of students with disabilities, allows for inclusion of all children.
If you use the iPad and are a P-12, a special educator, or a specialist, or a general educator, or administrator who observes teachers you are invited to participate.
Findings of this study will analyze the level integration of the iPad, its use in the delivery and effectiveness of instruction, impact in achieving skills and content knowledge, use for collaboration and professional development. This study will have significance for P-12 education, as the conditions in which the iPad is successful will provide a foundation for others to follow. For higher education, as they continue to introduce technology in teacher preparation programs, the relationship with earlier efforts of Preparing Tomorrow’s Teacher for Technology (PT3) are included.
Through your participation, a deeper understanding of the impact of the iPad will result and the shared experiences of administrators, general education teachers and special education teachers who are currently using the iPad will serve as a foundation from which others can learn.
No personal information is gathered and responses are based upon professional experiences and observations.
The principal investigator for this research is Dr. Mary Ann Marvil, Specialization Coordinator for Special Education in the Richard W. Riley College of Education and Leadership at Walden University. Contact or Phone: 240-520-9412 with any questions.
Please forward this invitation to others who may want to participate.Â
The link to the survey will be available through August 15, 2013.
The Integration of the IPAD and Effectiveness in P-12 Education
Mary Ann Marvil
Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them. –Steve Jobs