Changing seasons bring new health concerns. Right now, as fall turns into winter, those concerns include: To help you take care of yourself, we’ve compiled a list of the best apps for managing seasonal health needs. Enjoy your December, and…
Tag: HealthApps
Using High Tech to Plan a Low-Tech Retreat
In recognition of our BridgingApps team retreat this week, September 27–30. Retreat: A change of setting that makes time for doing less, experiencing more, and clearing your mind for long-term planning. For most experienced “retreaters,” the definition would also include…
Apps Lists for Senior Fathers
Happy Father’s Day! Below are some of our favorite apps lists for grandfathers and for fathers of adult children. We appreciate all you’ve done and all you’re still doing! BridgingApps Best Summer Road Trip Apps BridgingApps Brain Cognition Apps for…