Maya’s Success Story

maya%20ipad%206Maya is 2 ½ years old now and has been using her iPad since she was about 10 months old.

It’s incredible to me how proficient she is at navigating and correctly using her apps. Her fine motor skills have developed so much and she loves the independence she gets from being able to choose her own games and activities.  To begin with, she would use her thumb to play and was quite clumsy needing support but she is now able to finger touch the apps and swipe and drag through images and stories.

Maya’s favorite apps are by Special iApps and I love how she is learning through play. As Maya was showing signs of oversensitivity and insecurity when she was around other people, I used Special Words and Special Stories to uploaded photographs of all our family and friends to help Maya to recognize significant people and to build her trust. This also developed her language skills and she is now a much more confident and happy little girl.

The touch apps by Special iApps have also proven to be a great addition and I am amazed that at 2½, Mayamaya%20ipad%203 knows all her colors and shapes and is very pleased with herself!

Maya started preschool this term and takes her iPad with her. It certainly helped her settle in and develop friendships as the other children love to sit with her and play too. The teacher takes photos of Maya with it for me, it’s wonderful to be able to see how she is doing and all the fun she’s having.

Written By: Barbara Lowe, Maya’s Mom

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