Guided Access Feature of IOS 6 Focus of Houston, TX October Meeting

In the latest version of iOS (iOS6) there is a new accessibility feature called Guided Access. You can use it to turn of the home button via software, turn off sensors on the iPad and portions of the screen. It is a great new feature that BridgingApps co-founder Sami Rahman explained at this month’s meeting.

Sami reviewed how to set it up, helpful features, obstacles for use, password tricks and usage scenarios. The biggest takeaway for participants is that Guided Access can be a powerful and helpful tool in controlling access and usage of apps, but it affects each particular app differently so each app targeted for use with Guided Access must be tested first.

For what purpose would users want to activate Guided Access? One possible scenario is when an iPad or iPod Touch is used as a dedicated device for one user, such as for communication or AAC (Augmentative Alternative Communication). A second scenario might be those times when you’re going to want to prevent a user from touching certain buttons inside of an application. One of the primary features is that when Guided Access is activated, it effectively turns off the home button. Participants in the meeting shared many different situations when they have wanted to control the home button with children or clients in therapy sessions!

Apps shared this month were Battleship Craft by Phyzios and QR Scanner by Grip’d LLC.

For more information on Guided Access, including helpful how-to videos, click below:


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