In our recent Program Update from Tara Rocha, we shared the latest news on BridgingApps’ digital-literacy training for high school students and recent graduates, especially those with intellectual/neurological challenges. Today, we take a closer look at one participant: his digital-training experience, what he learned, and his plans for the future.
Digital Literacy and Career Planning
Thanks to a 2022 grant from Comcast NBCUniversal Foundation, BridgingApps/Easter Seals Greater Houston has been able to provide nearly two years of digital-literacy classes to date, helping students prepare for life beyond high school and IEPs. Employability is a key aspect of independence, and digital skills are a key aspect of twenty-first-century employability.
Among other technology tools, BridgingApps uses Northstar curricula to teach digital literacy skills that help students and workers with:
- Creativity and idea sharing
- Critical thinking
- Cultural awareness
- Social skills
- Meetings and communication
- Teamwork and accountability
- Personal security
- Research
- Telling good information from bad

Bryan’s Story
Bryan Hughes, a Digital Literacy Training graduate with autism, says his favorite part was “learning about emails, cutting out the spam and the fraud” and how to produce a proper email message from start to finish.
Training in digital communications, internet basics, digital footprint, and related skills also gave Bryan confidence for pursuing a dream. During high school, he was active in the Best Buddies program for students with intellectual and social challenges. After graduation, his Best Buddy left for college in another state; and besides the stress of that transition, Bryan had to deal with a Texas Workforce Commission bureaucracy that (for reasons known only to red tape) labeled him “not able to work.”
To help others who miss Best Buddies days, Bryan is now using his digital skills to build and showcase a nonprofit called Friendships for Life. Its mission: “to foster meaningful connections and lasting friendships within the special needs community” by providing “a platform for adults with special needs to connect, interact, and build lifelong friendships with individuals from the broader community.” Network members will be able to meet others (disabled and otherwise) with shared interests, and to arrange meetings, outings, and events.
About Friendships for Life
Friendships for Life opened its first digital platform/store in 2023, selling custom T-shirts that Bryan creates with his brother, Jaiden Davidson. Proceeds from the T-shirt sales fund the continuing expansion of Friendships for Life’s mission; and the shirts, when worn, spread the word still further.
A growing list of volunteers provides additional help moving things forward. Watch for future updates!